EGAP - European Grouping of American Pilots




European Grouping of American Pilots

Europese Groepering van Amerikaanse Piloten

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    FAA Clarifies: VORs to Begin Scaling Back in 2010
The FAA has announced more specific plans to begin scaling back its commitment to VOR stations beginning in 2010. Seen as a measure of commitment to GPS as a primary source of navigation information, the move, nevertheless, has some concerned. Reliance on GPS as primary source guidance is contingent on the adoption of wide area augmentation system (WAAS) technology, and the FAA has not satisfied all observers that its commitment to WAAS is sufficient. Just as there was no hurry to eliminate old-school non-directional beacons (NDBs) used by automatic direction finders (ADFs) in decades past, there are those who cling to VORs -- and not simply from a sense of nostalgia. With a large measure of the current aircraft fleet not WAAS-equipped (estimated as approximately 85 percent), losing VOR backup is considered a compromise to the majority. Still, a navigation system without VORs to service, test and maintain would make the FAA's financial burden significantly lighter. And with GPS becoming more ubiquitous, it would seem that day gets closer every year.

Is EGAP a charter service?

Answer: No. It is only there for pilots with an American license who are interested in flying.



New from July 24, 2008

     FAA Medical Certificate duration extended

or see column on the left side




Still hanging onto your paper pilot certificate? You'll need to upgrade to a plastic pilot certificate by March 31, 2010.
The FAA released its final rule Feb. 28, announcing the required switch to the certificate it deems is more counterfeit resistant.
If you are attached to your paper certificate and original issuance date (the plastic certificate will have a new one), don't worry. You can keep your paper certificate for nostalgia; you just can't use it to fly.
Read more on AOPA Online.


Do you fly internationally? If so, you'll need a new pilot certificate with the words "English Proficient" on it.

The new certificate will be required for international flights starting March 5, when the International Civil Aviation Organization's language proficiency standards for operating internationally go into effect.

The requirement applies to airplane and helicopter private, commercial, and airline transport pilots; flight engineers; and flight navigators.

Pilots with a U.S.-issued certificate will not need to pass a language test, just request a replacement certificate from the FAA.

The plastic replacement certificate will cost $2 and take seven to 10 days to be processed.

All newly issued pilot certificates will have the endorsement.


Certified Flight Instructor Airplane Single and multi Engine Instrument Rating (IFR)
or CFI    CFII    MEI
USA Commercial Pilot
I. Rating (IFR)
Single and multi engine


USA vliegvergunningen

Voor informatie en begeleiding, voor het bekomen van een Amerikaanse vliegvergunning als Private pilot,
Instrument Rating (IFR), Commercial  en Instructeur, kan men steeds bij ons terecht.
Gelieve voor een algemene verduidelijking te klikken op de bettreffende rubriek hier links via de gewenste taal.

C172 GARMIN G1000

European Grouping of American Pilots
Phone: ++32 (0)485/95 96 32


Webmaster Karen D. 

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