Activating your flight plan just might save the day (From AOPA) |
![]() There's an old adage that went along the lines of, "When the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the airplane, we can take off." Recent statistics indicate that more than half of the pilots involved in mishaps did not file a flight plan before the accident flight. I wonder if they are the same pilots who don't bother to get a weather briefing of any kind before they fly. There is a lot of paperwork associated with modern flying. For the airlines, there are manifests, schedules, training records, and reports, just on the pilot side. Then there are bid sheets and all the other documentation needed for crews to arrange schedules. Airline paperwork seems endless. If you're learning to fly at an FAR Part 141 flight school, it may not seem much better. Is it an almost full-time task to keep track of all the student policies, syllabi, lesson plans, and other government-required training records? Never mind the actual flying. Like it or not, there is a lot of paperwork. Add to that your own pilot's flight log, stuff on the Internet, weather briefing notes, weight and balance calculations, airport radio frequencies, elevations and diagrams, sectional charts-throw in the en route charts and terminal publications required for flight under instrument flight rules (IFR), and you're probably justified in screaming, "Enough!" Can we go flying now? You might think so. But not quite yet. There's one more form you should fill out-and it may be the most important of all. It's called FAA Form 7233-1, dated August 1982. PIC responsibility Paragraph 91.103 of the federal aviation regulations says this under the heading of Preflight Action: "Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. This information must include- "(a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel requirements, alternatives available if the flight cannot be completed, and any known traffic delays of which the pilot in command has been advised by ATC." FAR 91.103 says that the PIC also needs to be familiar with winds, temperatures, takeoff and landing distances, aircraft performance, airport elevations, runway length and slopes, gross weight, etc. The only way that you can really comply with these requirements is to do your homework, develop a plan, and carefully execute what you've planned. As a pilot, you are required to do all those things before every flight. After you've gone to all that trouble, why not finish the job, and complete that final piece of paperwork? FAA Form 7233-1 is better known as the FAA Flight Plan form, and it hasn't changed for more than 20 years now. It is shown in Figure 5-1-2 of the current Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and can be found in the members-only section of AOPA Online. What you put down on that form is far more than just more paperwork. It's an insurance policy that indicates you've done your homework. It could also have a significant payout. A good flight plan is your ticket to a smooth flight, with no glitches that haven't been at least considered; few surprises; a way to check your progress; and a guarantee that someone will be looking over your shoulder as you fly, taking into account all the details of your route. It's also your assurance that if something goes amiss, somebody will be looking for you within 30 minutes if you don't show up where and when you said you would. Those few extra minutes could be the difference between a good outcome and one that isn't so good. View a flight plan as the most significant checklist you ever ran. It ticks off most of the important things that have to be considered for any flight. We've all known pilots who let us know in no uncertain terms that they didn't need a checklist (or a flight plan). They'd say, "It's all right up here," while pointing at their heads. Have you ever known anyone who got lost because they hadn't planned the flight very well-or landed gear up because they didn't "need" a checklist? Your flight school, through its aircraft rental agreement or other published policies, may require that you file a flight plan for every cross-country flight. And the FAA requires that you file-and activate-a VFR or IFR flight plan before you can be given permission to fly into temporary flight restriction (TFR) airspace, like that accompanying President Bush's travel. So why not get in the habit now of filing, and using, a flight plan? The planning behind the planA written flight plan represents what you intend to do and it says that you've considered everything you're supposed to have considered-ahead of time-according to the regulations, good judgment, and sound operating procedure. Don't fill out the flight plan form until all of the following have been completed. Filling out the flight plan (FAA Form 7233-1) implies that you have:
Then-and only then-file the flight plan you've written down on the FAA form. There are several ways to do this: by telephone (800/WX-BRIEF) with the nearest FSS; in person if your airport has a flight service station; via DUAT; with the dispatcher at your flight school or FBO, if it offers this service, using whatever method it provides to keep track of you; or, after departure, by radio with the nearest FSS. These are only some of the points that you might want to consider before you ever write or file your flight plan. The flight plan itself is important, but after all, the plan is just a checklist for use by the pilot, Flight Service, air traffic control-and search and rescue, should the need arise. VFRWhy don't more pilots file flight plans for VFR flights? One of the standard reasons is, "Well, I'm just flying around the local area. I know where I'm going; I don't need a flight plan," or some similar logic. Could the real reason be that they think it's just too much trouble to actually plan the flight, get the weather, check the notams and TFRs, and do all the rest of that stuff that you should do before you officially file? If it's true that practice really does make perfect, filing VFR flight plans regularly is good training for pilots who will later complete an instrument rating and fly IFR. In that light, consider what FAR 91.103 means-it's the planning that really counts. While you're thinking, also consider what could happen if you're forced to make a precautionary or emergency landing in some remote area and your cell phone battery is dead (or there's no cellular service), the handheld transceiver doesn't work, the temperature will be below freezing (and you didn't bring any warm clothing)-and you didn't file a flight plan. But then, you were just flying around, weren't you? After filing a VFR flight plan, you have to activate it when you take off and close it when you're finished flying. (If you fly IFR, ATC normally does that for you.) The same planning should go into a VFR flight as an IFR flight, so why not file? If you're out more than 30 minutes longer than you planned, someone will come looking for you. (For more on search and rescue, check out the AIM, paragraph 6-2-7.) IFRIf the weather is below VFR minimums and you plan to penetrate controlled airspace, an IFR flight plan and an ATC clearance based on that flight plan are mandatory. Complete details on how to complete an IFR flight plan are in the AIM, paragraph 5-1-7.There are some hard and fast rules on flying under instrument flight rules (IFR), and the AIM outlines all of them. One such provision is to advise ATC if your average true airspeed changes in flight by more than 5 percent or 10 knots, whichever is higher, from that filed in your flight plan. Another factor to consider is that if departure is delayed more than an hour after your planned departure time, the computer will probably drop your clearance, unless you've informed ATC of a delay. Some facilities, generally not as busy as others, allow a bit more time. The AIM contains another little jewel of note: Although the flight plan form contains 16 separate items, the book says, "The information transmitted to ARTCC [an air route traffic control center, which handles traffic between terminal areas] will consist only of flight plan blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11." That might seem inconsequential, but it means that the folks at your destination airport won't have the foggiest idea of where you're going if you should have to execute a missed approach and elect to proceed to your alternate airport. Composite VFR/IFR"Mixed" flight plans are those with both IFR and VFR segments. Check both "VFR" and "IFR" boxes in Block 1 of the flight plan form. If the first part of the flight is IFR, ATC will normally issue an IFR clearance to the point at which the VFR portion of the flight will begin. After reporting VFR over that point, ATC should be advised to cancel the IFR portion of the flight plan. Then the pilot should contact the nearest FSS and advise them to activate the VFR portion of the flight plan. Composite flight plans are explained in the AIM, paragraph 5-1-6. What happens when something happens?So, what happens when you don't show up where and when you're supposed to? If you are "overdue"-meaning more than 30 minutes past your estimated time of arrival (ETA)-a search for you is initiated via telephone. FBO or airport employees are asked to check the ramp for your airplane. If you still can't be found, ATC goes to the originating FSS and checks out your flight plan. That's why it is important to keep your route updated in flight and make your planned times-update them as well, if necessary. After the paperwork and ramp checks, search and rescue-usually in the form of the Air Force's Civil Air Patrol-officially gets into the act, and airplanes start looking for you. Here's an important point: Missing pilots who have filed flight plans are located an average of four hours sooner than those who have no flight plan on file. Those four hours could be the difference between life and death. A recent report indicates that 100 percent of those considered "missing" but who had filed a flight plan were found. That's something to think about. Common errorsHere are a few suggestions from the experts at the Denver Automated Flight Service Station: